
What happens at the Center

The Tink Tank

Debates and innovation. A cozy and inspiring place to discuss developement of the Center, the world and the neighbourhood. A place where you can sit down and think, or just listen and relax.

Brainstorming workshops.


  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Art making
  • Cooking
  • or anything that the residants and participants have good knowledge in…

Food and dining

The food cooked for our habitants could also be available to guests at the very same place – but sold for money as in a restaurant.


Guests could also pay for staying at Blueheart Center. A paying guest does not have to do anything and has no responsibility.

Tribal gatherings

We meet and play tribal music. Electronic. Accoustic. Psychedelic. Shamanic. Psytrance. Music for expanded minds or minds willing to expand.

Blueheart Center seminars and workshops will be available for anyone interested to join – free for residents and for guests for a fee .

Activities at Blueheart Center

By having open activities Blueheart Center can raise funds to improve. A few examples that probably will be on the schedule.